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13.-17.03. Alvi Hatakka & Sami Samaletdin: Kääntyvä katse

Opening 13.03. 18-20

Wed-Sat 11-18

Sun 11-14

My experiences are not clear, they are colored by many vivid images. Thoughts do not help me see more clearly. I am a victim of my experiences. Broken. Worn out.

I try different things to discover what suits me best. Everything fits, yet I don't feel any more fulfilled after all the experiences.

I look inside the objects of my mind. I simply observe, and something miraculous happens. The gaze soothes the places where it aches and tenses.

I cannot yet observe many places in this manner. When I willingly try to fix and maintain, my mind becomes active and consideration becomes constant. Maybe I will do something else with my life.


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