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7.-11.4. Anna Olkinuora: The Forgotten -Ode to materia´s vibration

Opening at 7th of April at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Performance at 5.30 p.m.

Opening hours Sat-Tue from 8th to 11th of April at 12-5 p.m.

I´m not in a hurry I guess

I am here

being myself

Changed but not changed by

In the edge of peace and rest

I define myself again


The exhibition titled Forgotten holds deliberations of a body and biographical stories of objects that are disused and newly found. I find it interesting how human and inhuman materia are continuum of each other. In addition, I`m interested of the idea what kind of objects and bodies are considered to be "useful" in our society. What happens when we are no longer able to implement this require? In my work I want to give space to the idea that every materia is each others continuum and every presence has it´s own absolute value.


Anna Olkinuora is an performance artist, who is interested of brokeness, jota kiinnostaa kaikenlainen rikkinäisyys, incompleteness and fragility. Anna dreams of soft values, welcoming spaces and she looks for different ways expressing herself and her ideas.


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