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Barbara Tenuta - I WAS (T)HERE 2.2-10.2.2018

I want to mark my physical existence somehow.

Staying still but also going out.

On the map, I’m a red ball, it signals my physicality and hides all the data inside.

My works are reflecting on the relevance of a place, marking it and communicating it to others.

The starting point is the home, home, the formation of one's own identity in relation to the environment; but also my physical, physical state and its relation to the world around me, as well as other red spheres

Asbestos Art Space, Mäkelänkatu 45, Helsinki

*** Opening ***

on Friday, February 2, 2018

18-20 !!!

The exhibition is open:

Tue - Fri 12-17

Sat - Sun 12-16

(I'm closed)

Facebook event:

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