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CANCELED Transformation Station 25.3.2020

''I think there is a meaningful difference between transformative acting and watching the firework display of another individual’s personality, however exciting. In the former, the satisfaction lies in discovering the heart of the chameleon beating underneath the skin, however many colours it adopts. It consists in penetrating through to the essence of another human being, and by this means intuiting something of the meaning of a human existence. ''

- Vladimir Mirodan in “The actor and the character - explorations in the Psychology of Transformative acting”


Transformation Station is a performance that explores tools for transformation. While working on characters, a group of theatre actors will collectively share methods for and states of becoming someone or something else.

A public demo will be held on Wednesday 25th of March at 7pm at Asbestos Art space, Mäkelänkatu 45, 00550 Helsinki. Free entry.

Performers: Mari-Helen Hyvärinen, Elisa Makarevitch, Lilian Ruotsala, Saga Sarkola and Ole Øwre.

The performance is initiated by Elisa Makarevitch and realised within the framework of the art project Stjöit sjielin - Fix the seal Kindly supported by Svenska kulturfonden, Svensk-Österbottniska samfundet and Teaterstiftelsen Vivicas Vänner.

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