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Don’t Dream It’s Over: extended reception/(non)office hours 3.-5.7.2020

Don’t Dream It’s Over: extended reception/(non)office hours

17:00–22:00 July 3–5

Hey now, hey now

Our curatorial team – Margarita Leonenko and Vera Kavaleuskaya – has been developing an online platform Don’t Dream It’s Over, dedicated to broadcasting and dissemination of the voices of artists, researchers, and activists on various consequences of late capitalism.

From 3rd to 5th of July we invite you to our extended reception/(non)office hours, where we plan on serving free drinks, playing music, and manifesting a slow and disrupted work process. We will gladly talk about our ongoing project, hear your reflections, and present several finished audio contributions from the invited artists. You can come and go freely during the opening times, as we prefer not to have a crowded house.

Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup We conceived this project last year as a response to the pressing questions of contemporaneity, however, it turned into a coping tool and a targeted goal during this spring. Choosing to talk about the injustices within current economic and political systems and their functioning conditions, we could not leave out the new questions raised by the pandemic. But how shall we process all the news, recover from traumatic events, adapt to the changes and recalibrate our lives and ways of thinking? Should we answer these questions now or is it better to step back and take a break?

There's a battle ahead, many battles are lost The first offline iteration of the project will be, among other things, focused on reposing from being way-worn — as it is one of the needs we believe we share with others. We invite you to come and think together about exhaustion as a condition of existence and factors which account for such a condition, or just to have a rest — the choice is yours. Earlier in the day we will be preparing the platform for an online launch and later we plan to be lazier and volume up the music.

Don't Dream It's Over


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