Doors at 6 p.m.
Grusenka at 19.00
Emmanuel Kunt at 8 p.m.
Free admission, a voluntary dungeon for artists to cover the rent of space!

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Emmanuel Kunt:
Emmanuel Kunt coz Immanuel can’t!
In the 18th century, Immanuel Kant wrote the book Eternal Peace, which is still not reached today.
Emmanuel Kunt is an improvisation PUNK band that interacts with the audience. Emmanuel channels people’s various dams and mental knots, whose life course is colored by different sounds of bass, electric guitar, and drum.
Emmanuel Kunt coz Immanuel can’t!
Vocal and tambourine: Emmanuel
Electric kit: Calluna Vulgaris
Bass: Captain Sjögren
Drums: Sir Kaleva
Goal: Towards world peace by gig at a time
smurd era doog ylbaborp ecin ot yalp tub elbirret ot netsil ebyam ni a elbirret revognah uoy dluoc kniht ti saw tsuj a dab maerd a lennut ssenkrad maelg fo thgil tab ecnad gnipmuj a rallec krad retaw traf wow emosewa ohce ecaps hua struh yna llams nevenu trap tcefed no a ecafrus ygrene pot fo eht top cirtcele kcohs niap riapsed rewop enil niart niarts no peed sretaw teg kcuts ekaw pu llac eciov rof eht ecnelis seno reifilpma
Grusenka, Helsinki