Long ago. 42 years ago. Now. And then. This is the narrative structure upon which Sahrawis, indigenous people from western Sahara, build their identity. Some Sahrawi live today in the Western Sahara under the Morroccan occupation, some behind the border in the Algerian desert, and some in diaspora around the world. The education system of Sahrawis raises a generation of activists, frustrated in the current situation. The vision of freedom unites but also conceals the fragmented realities in which Sahrawis live today. The exhibition at Asbestos Art Space invites you to join this quest of freedom for Sahrawis. There are photographs, installations and moving image on display. Each of the five contributing artists have been involved in the solidarity work towards Western Sahara. Artists: Helena Sanches, Kerttu Martinpuro, Leena Faurie, Suvi Baloch, Trama. Exhibition was organized in cooperation with International Solidarity Work, Finnish Peace Committee and Ruohonjuuri.