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Sanni Vanttaja: EOS 21.-31.1.2021

Opening hours

weekdays 15-20

Sa Sun 12-18

“EOS” is a video artwork, which is based on my ponderings of today’s broadly spread wellness- discourse. This discourse includes the notion of continuous personal development and improvement. The neoliberal ethos glimmering behind it agitates one towards always greater achievements, so that we could be successful, productive parts of capitalist society. My approach to the theme has its basis on the feelings of alienation and emptiness, that is caused by hearing this kind of talk.

The Greek word ἠώς (“eos”) means dawn, and in the name of my work I refer to the concept of enlightenment that is central to the wellness- discourse. On the other hand, in Finnish, “eos” is an abbreviation of words en osaa sanoa (I don’t know / I can’t tell). It reflects the triviality and banality of the self help- genre and the language that it employs.

As the visual material to the video, I have used random plastic trash found in my home. The text and the soundscape of the video consists of automatic writing, of which I have made meditative, atmospheric music. It refers to the hypnotic mantra of wellness-discourse, that seeks to keep hold of us.

My work invites the spectator to critically examine the prevalent wellness- and new spiritual- discourses, as well as to reflect one’s own values and choices. I hope that besides this the spectator can also calm down and relax by the artwork.

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