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6.-13.2. Asbestos collective: Kiertoilmauksia

Opening 6.2. 18-22

Opening hours:

pe 7.2. klo 15-21

la 8.2. klo 12-19

su 9.2. klo 12-17

ma 10.2. klo 13-18

ti 11.2. klo 15-20

ke 12.2. klo 15-20

to 13.2. klo 16-19

The exhibition features collective members Matias Ekholm, Anna Häkkinen, Veikko Pitkälä, and Maria Sorjonen.

Cultural cooperative Vehrä invited Asbestos collective to a residency in Enonkoski for the second time in 2024. At the end of the residency period, we had the opportunity to hold an exhibition at KoskiGalleria. In the previous year, the collective focused on working on an art trail along the rapids, and in the most recent residency, the work continued, partially building on the same themes.

During the residency, we observed Enonkoski, particularly its school building, which provided us shelter for our work. (Can the ghost of Enonkoski School hear us as we sing an off-key version of the suvivirsi in the basement music room?) We reflected on how the environment and the internal dynamics of our group influenced both our individual and collective work. Now, we bring the body of work that has emerged from the KoskiGalleria exhibition and our residency reflections into Asbestos’ own space.

We primarily worked with organic and inorganic found materials, as well as clay. The materials were shaped by hand but were also transformed by environmental influences. Some works from the first residency period were brought from the trail for further development—examining how the essence of a piece changes depending on its context and what traces time leaves on it. One piece had disappeared without a trace, another had shattered under the weight of the snow, a third had become covered in moss, and all that remained of a fourth was a clay stain on the ground.

The materials and working methods limited our ability to control the final outcome, intertwining chance and decay as guiding forces in our process. This sparked reflections on the inevitable and uncontrollable nature of erosion and randomness.

Like materials, we too are deeply affected by wear and chance. However, detrition is not just about disintegration or destruction — it is also a process of growth and renewal, taking on meaning from both an individual and collective perspective. We see the collective as an ongoing process, shaped in part unpredictably by the interactions between its members. The collective has no fixed structure; rather, it wears, transforms, and renews itself like an organism responding to its environment — sometimes adapting, sometimes resisting. The unpredictability of wearing and randomness may make them feel heavy, yet they are an inevitable part of change, enabling transition and creating space for something new.

What remains?

Keywords: Characterful ceramic kiln, Intenso, snail, Polly, dog cake, hymns, Secret Life of Plants, school ghost, velo, teho, Fazer Liquorice Crunchy, ventilation, work gloves, song of the wheelbarrow, canola oil, Airi’s logs, taxidermy, scrubbing stones with a dish brush, venetian blinds, teaching charts, night of the frogs, chanterelle

A big thank you to Cultural Cooperative Vehrä and the municipality of Enonkoski! <3


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