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Eini Knuutinen: Häpeästä 20.2.-26.2.2021


SA-SUN 13-18

MON 14-18

THU-FRI 15-19

No opening night due to COVID-19.

'Shame' - examines the fragility of experiencing and covering from shame. Exhibition is loosely based on very different experiences of shame by different people. Often shame is combined with the need to hide the source of that experience and to protect oneself from often imaginary rejection. Shame is a very contradictory feeling and it's not easy to discard even when we see it as a harmful one.

Eini Knuutinen is an artist and a psychologist based on Helsinki. She often studies psychological phenomena and experiencing on her art. Knuutinen uses a lot of slow and tedious techiques and reflection. Often the process continues after the active interaction ceases.

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